what are the best hashtags to get likes on Instagram 2018

nowadays Instagram has got very important for brands, celebrities, artists and other people.
There's an issue with Instagram marketing that is important you have at least 10k followers to have a successful business on Instagram. However, you don't necessarily need followers to get more likes; you can easily use the hashtag for this cause _ they are an excellent resource for growing your brand or at least getting some more likes. 
Of course, finding the best Instagram hashtag for your post can be challenging. No matter how qualified you are in social media.

By reading this article, You can easily understand how hashtags work and how to find the best hashtags for likes on your posts.

so let's get started!

What is a hashtag and how does it work on Instagram?

Hashtags (#) is a singular word or series of words that are marked with a # symbol. They are a short way to search for something you are looking for.
These hashtags help Instagram to organize and categorize posts, which enables the platform to present the right content for every user.
For example, if you are looking for photos of new outfits, you can search #new_outfits in the search part, the search engine of Instagram will automatically look for posts which have this hashtags and shows them to you.

Instagram hashtags have different porpuses :

  1. To gain more likes:
     Instagram users who are interested in an exclusive content are likely to search for hashtags which are related to it. When you use Instagram hashtags on your post you’ll be giving yourself a chance for other users to access your content, and after that, find out more about your brand — This is why using an Instagram hashtag is excellent for your work.
  2. To Gain More Followers:
    Instagram users interested in a specific niche will look for more content related to it. If you use the right Instagram hashtags, you can gain more followers too.
  3. To Gain More Trades:Instagram hashtags aren’t just about growing your social media marketing. While this is a valuable outcome from using Instagram hashtags, you can also make more sales by using them for your e-commerce business’ account. If you use niche hashtags when promoting one of your products, then you’re expected to attract users who like to buy something related to this content.

Instagram Hashtag Limits

Instagram has a hashtag limit of 30 per post. This limitation is for assuring that content on Instagram stays relevant, and avoid spam.
Feel free to use Instagram hashtags which you think will be more valuable for attracting engaged traffic to your posts.

100 best Instagram hashtags for likes

according to an Instagram analytics tool the best instagram hashtags are:


These Instagram hashtags are the most popular at all, so some of these are less useful for your business than other hashtags. 

Other tips for you:

Growing a following for your business on Instagram is a complex task, so you should take advantage of every Instagram marketing tactic available to increase your store’s reach.

 Other tips besides the best Instagram hashtags for likes, which helps you to grow your follower numbers:

  • Engage with followers:

     A great way to get more support from your existing followers is to engage with them. If you like their Instagram feed don’t hesitate to follow them. If they’ve posted an interesting comment on your latest image, go ahead and like their comment. It’ll mean a lot to them, and they’ll feel admired as a customer.
  • Post frequently:

     If you post on a frequent basis, you will have a better chance to gain some engaging costumers.

That's not all!

You can use some tools that will automatically do these tips for you (things like gaining followers, schedule posting, auto like, auto comment,etc.)
They work just like an assistant for your work. So if you want to give it a try, you can google Instagram bots or instazood online. Using these tools will buy you much free time for other things you must do.

Good luck.


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