Image result for unfortunately instagram has stopped 2018

Instagram is sending: ''Unfortunately, Instagram has stopped!' to anyone who is trying to connect.
 So if you are getting this message don't worry, Here are some ways to fix this issue:

  1. Reinstall Instagram app the older version
    We contacted the official Instagram technical support service, and we found out that the company is informed of the issue and will publish an update of the client soon.
    Therefore, there is only one way to get rid of bugs – need to return to a previous version of the client.

    Here is how is done:

    How to uninstall Instagram from Android phones;

    Go to Google Play and disable applications auto-update (“Google Play” -> “Settings” -> “Auto-update applications” -> select “Never”);

    Download Instagram on this link (com.instagram.android.ver.6.9.1.build.4961472.apk)
     (same official client, but the older version) and install it on your phone.

  2. Clear The cache and data on your Instagram app
    If the same bug «Unfortunately, Instagram has stopped» happens again, you have to clear the cache and data of your Instagram app:
    Go to Settings;
    Application Manager;
    All app tab;
    Find Instagram app and select it;
    Select clear data/Clear cache > Force stop;


  3.  Disable speed up your CPU
    This error will also show on Android 4.0.x devices (Ice Cream Sandwich), regardless of Instagram version.
    To solve it, you must disable the option “Speed up your GPU» in developer parameters.
    For this:
    Go to the “Settings”;
    Find the item “About” and open it;
    Scroll down to “Build number” and click on it seven times;
    After the seventh pressing, the system will inform the user that he became a developer. Paragraph “For Developers” will appear in the settings of the smartphone between “Print” and “About”;
    Go to “Developers” find “Speed up your GPU» and remove the checkmark.
    Reboot your smartphone and check the work on Instagram.


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  3. I do every thing you say but still the unfortunately instagram has stopped what shall i do tell please thank


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